Controlled Substances / Narcotics / Drugs

(184) What is Possession vs Possession with Intent to Sell in FL? - Michael Haber Miami Lawyer
Thank you for asking me “What is the difference between...
185) What's the difference between Actual and Constructive Possession? ~ HaberPA Miami Lawyer
Thank you for asking me “What is the difference between...
186) What is “Drug Court” in FL? ~ Michael A Haber Miami Criminal Defense DUI BUI Lawyer
Thank you for asking me “What is “Drug Court”?” In...
(183) How to avoid a Trafficking Minimum Mandatory Sentence in FL? HaberPA Miami Lawyer
Thank you for asking me “How can I avoid a...
(182) How is Weight Calculated for Drug Trafficking Charges in FL? - Michael Haber Miami Lawyer
Thank you for asking me “How is Weight Calculated for...
(177) What's the difference between Drug Possession & Trafficking in FL? Haber Criminal Defense
Thank you for asking me “What is the difference between...
(145) What's the difference between Actual & Constructive Possession? ~ HaberPA Criminal Defense
Thank you for asking me: “What is the difference between...
Defending Narcotics Cases in FL (109) Michael A Haber Miami Criminal Defense DUI BUI Lawyer
Michael A. Haber, Esq. has been licensed to practice federal...
25) Marijuana Possession in FL, Generally ~ Michael A Haber Miami Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
Michael A. Haber, P.A. Miami Criminal Lawyer 1-888-SHARK-8-1 ---------------------...
12) Possession Offenses, Generally ~ Michael A Haber Esq Miami Criminal Defense DUI BUI Lawyer
Michael A. Haber, P.A. Miami Criminal Lawyer 1-888-SHARK-8-1 ---------------------...
9) Cooperation after Arrest / Being a Snitch ~ Michael A Haber Miami Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
Michael A. Haber, P.A. Miami Criminal Lawyer 1-888-SHARK-8-1 ---------------------...
261) Can in-Patient Rehab Help My Case? ~ #HaberPA Michael A Haber Miami Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
“Can an in-Patient Rehab Program Help My Case?” First I...
262) When will In-Patient Rehab help my case? ~ #HaberPA Michael A Haber Miami Criminal DUI Lawyer
When will an In-Patient Rehab Program help my case? For...
263) How to choose an In-Patient Rehab Program? ~ #HaberPA Miami Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
How do I choose the right In-Patient Rehab Program? Before...
264) Will Attending AA / NA Meetings Help my Case? ~ #HaberPA Miami Criminal Defense DUI Law
“Will Attending AA / NA Meetings Help my Case?” I’m...
268) FL’s Accident Report Privilege and DUI Cases ~ #HaberPA Miami Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
FL’s Accident Report Privilege and DUI Cases? If you’re involved...
288) Is it illegal to sell Fake Drugs in FL? #HaberPA Michael A Haber Criminal Defense Lawyer
Is it illegal to sell Fake Drugs in FL? Believe...
286) What if my positive “Field Test” is False? #HaberPA Michael A Haber Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
What if my positive “Field Test” is False? A field...
287) Is a positive “Field Test” Admissible in Court? #HaberPA Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
Is a positive “Field Test” Admissible in Court? A field...
290) Is Possession of a THC Vape Pen Cartridge a Felony in FL? #HaberPA Miami Criminal Lawyer
Is Possession of a THC Vape Pen Cartridge a Felony?...
291) Is my Medical Marijuana Rx a Defense to a Possession Charge in FL? #HaberPA Miami Lawyer
Is my Medical Marijuana Rx a Defense to a Possession...
292) Can I possess a Vape Pen in FL with a Marijuana Rx? #HaberPA Miami Criminal Lawyer
If I have a Marijuana Rx can I possess a...
293) Can I use Rx Marijuana while on Probation in FL? #HaberPA Miami Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
Can I use Rx Marijuana while on Probation in FL?...
294) Can I drive if I have a medical marijuana Rx? #HaberPA Miami Criminal Defense DUI Lawyer
Can I drive if I have a medical marijuana Rx?...