Criminal Defense in State Court can be neatly broken in the following categories: Felonies, Misdemeanors, Ordinance Violations and Infractions, and Michael A. Haber, P.A. has experience in handling all of them.

For more than 25 years Michael A. Haber, Esq. has represented folks on a wide variety of criminal defense and related matters ranging from “traffic to trafficking” and from “misdemeanors to murder”.

At Michael A. Haber, P.A. our philosophy is that defending a case requires more than just an assessment of the charges. Michael A. Haber, Esq. takes a comprehensive / global view of all criminal cases, considering both the immediate charges and the collateral effects thereof.

Affirmative defenses (such as self-defense, entrapment, insanity, etc) are carefully considered and defense strategies are realistically tailored to the case specific facts and circumstances, as well as to the needs and abilities of the client. This is why Michael A. Haber, P.A. is considered to be a “boutique” law firm.

Although Michael A. Haber, P.A. is physically located proximate to the Richard E. Gerstein Metropolitan Justice Building (Miami-Dade County’s “main” Criminal Courthouse), Michael A. Haber, Esq. routinely appears at all Miami-Dade County Branch Courts, as well as those in Monroe and Broward Counties.

While Michael A. Haber, Esq. is prepared to travel Michael A. Haber, P.A. has and maintains a trusted network of highly experienced, proven and skilled attorneys throughout the State to assist in matters out of the South Florida area.

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