Thank you for asking me “What can I do if my Judge was an A-hole?”
Okay let’s start here. Judge’s are people too, and just like you and me, Judge’s have good moods, bad moods, biases, prejudices, get sleep, have a lack of sleep, have good days and bad days, and these intangibles can effect the Judge’s attitude, demeanor and ultimate decision in your case.
Still, Judges are expected to exhibit the highest standards of professionalism. In fact, per the Code of Judicial Conduct Judges must (among other things):
Canon 1. Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary Canon 2. Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in all of the Judge’s Activities; and Canon 3. Perform the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially and Diligently
But to get back to your question, unfortunately, apart from the human conditions that I first mentioned, some Judges simply suffer from a “disease” that we lawyers call (just not to a Judge’s face)”robe-itis”, meaning that they’re on a power trip, that they seem to think that their robe is Superman’s cape, and when this happens, or when you are otherwise mistreated by a Judge, then the Judge is not exhibiting the highest standards of professionalism and should be called out… just not by you in the courtroom.
The body that governs, regulates, determines if judicial misconduct has occurred, and if so then recommends discipline for FL Judges, is called the “JQC” (the Judicial Qualifications Commission).
If you feel that a FL Judge has acted improperly then you are free to file a public complaint with the JQC, and you can do that on line at:
At Michael A. Haber, PA “it’s all about reasonable doubt”!
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