Jason is a wanna be YouTube prankster who apparently thinks that it is funny to film himself breaking into businesses and homes and allegedly staying overnight, but like many of his mindset (“I can do what I want”) his douche baggery has apparently caught up with him as Ottawa Police have had enough of Jason and his antics and have decided that it’s time to arrest his ass.
Ottawa Police became aware of Jason’s videos in October, 2016 and state that they are preparing charges against him for trespassing (at best… burglarizing at worst) as he has published filsm of himself allegedly conducting his so-called “challenges” at a football stadium, an auto mechanic shop, a gym, a church, a homeless shelter, a school and even a stranger’s house. (That’s Jason at a closed Dairy Queen below.)
or in this auto repair shp….
or in this closed youth center…
or in this fast food joint…
According to Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant Mike Haarbosch: “I would suggest that he’s already caught. We’re in the midst at this point of processing a number of charges, so he’s going to have his day in court.”
On October 27th, 2016, and in response to Sgt. Haarbosch’s statement that his arrest was imminent, Jason posted a video onto his YouTube page acknowledging that the police were looking into his behavior and that they were shutting him down. Said Jason to his “fans”: “I can no longer do these 24-hour challenges because basically I’m risking my freedom to do that and that’s something I’m not prepared to give up. I want to make it clear, when I was doing these 24 hour challenges I did not damage any property, never broke into one of these places and I never stole anything.”
Memo to the Folks: Mind what you post on social media. It can, and will, be used against you.
Memo to the Folks continued: Mind what you post on social media. It can, and will, be used against you. Please watch HaberPA’s VideoFAQ / YouTube Webisode (which, unlike Jason’s douche baggery, actually contains valuable information which can help, and perhaps even save, you, from a digital world of hurt) by clicking on the video link below….
https://www.youtube.com/c/michaelhaberlaw / http://habercriminallaw.blogspot.com