Tyler is either not the brightest bulb on the tree or he has mistakenly believed to much in the undying fraternity of police officers (and wanna-be police officers).
On February 8, 2017 Tyler was at the South Charleston, Virginia Police Department for his third job interview to become a cop. During the course of the interview Tyler reportedly told Sgt. A.R. Gordon that he’d had a sexual encounter with a woman and then videotaped her while she was naked and unconscious. (No that, below, is not the woman that Tyler had sex with; that’s some other drunk, naked and unconscious person who someone(s) else probably had sex with.)
Chief of South Charleston PD’s Detectives Pat Rader reportedly stated that the interviews had been going fine up until the third one when “it all went bad.” Det. Radar opined that: “We knew we had to do something, we couldn’t just let this go.”, and on Monday, March 13, 2017, instead of getting a badge and a gun, Tyler got arrested for second degree sexual assault.
Det. Radar reportedly admitted that his department has had difficulty finding qualified candidates for a position as a police officer but that they vet applicants toughly, and that in this instance its tough vetting process worked. (Personally I don’t know if weeding Tyler out had anything at all to do with the SCPD’s “tough vetting” process or is it was just dumb – literally – “dumb luck”, but in any event apparently it worked out well for everyone, except perhaps Tyler.)
Per Det. Radar: “We’re not just hiring people off the street and giving them a badge and a gun and the authority to relieve people of their freedoms. We want to make sure we’re getting the best people possible.”
Memo to the South Charleston, Virginia Police Department:
https://www.youtube.com/c/michaelhaberlaw / http://habercriminallaw.blogspot.com